Monday, July 12, 2010

Feminine Product

Thank goodness for underwear liner, I save a lot when it comes to them. I have been using this as long as I can remember. I started using the cheapest one I can afford and upgrade/downgrade to the image below when I became SAHM. Well, upgrade because this one is extra coverage/ wide. Not like the one I used while I was working, thong size. I had to because I work and deal with a lot of customers, and I don't want them checking out my panty lines.

The only thing bad that I came up with these liners is during the summer months. We don't have a central air in our house and my kids are always outside playing. It gets very hot, and every fold in my body sweats, including the parts where the sun doesn't shine. Unless you are a nudist of course, you don't have that

I don't get my monthly visit the same time every month, and this saved me plenty of time to all un-expected feminine things. After having two or more kids, female bladder is not the same. Have you ever gotten an unexpected sneeze? Yes, it happened to me a lot of times. I also carry extra in my bag just for that.

Recommended by me, a mother of 5 children.

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A queen of my kingdom, nah I'm a mom of 4 boys and 1 girl (the queen wanna be), teaching 3 children @ home with the cyber school lessons plan, 1 child with my own lesson plan. And I am married to the most wonderful man in the world.
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