Monday, September 14, 2009

KVM Switch

KVM SwitchWe got this before my DD started school last week (Tuesday). They love to play games on the computers and since we have a limited space we need to improvise. Just like the image above we have 2 computer towers in one monitor, one mouse, one keyboard and speaker.

With a push of a button they can switch from school computer to home computer. They are not allowed to put anything in the school computer, well I don't blame them. This is really great if you have multiple computers you are using for something and have a limited space. Let me tell you, it will keep our classroom warm this winter for sure.

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A queen of my kingdom, nah I'm a mom of 4 boys and 1 girl (the queen wanna be), teaching 3 children @ home with the cyber school lessons plan, 1 child with my own lesson plan. And I am married to the most wonderful man in the world.
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